Adopted projects
These are the projects that the shelter is taking care of.
LightTable/LightTable ★ 11713
ClojureThe Light Table IDE
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit ★ 6623
SwiftLightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
tellform/tellform ★ 3037
JavaScript✏️ Free Opensource Alternative to TypeForm or Google Forms
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zestyping/q ★ 1302
PythonQuick and dirty debugging output for tired programmers.
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Stavros Korokithakis
Jerome Leclanche
skorokithakis/django-annoying ★ 922
PythonA django application that tries to eliminate annoying things in the Django framework.
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Stavros Korokithakis
Josh Wright
jariz/Noti ★ 914
SwiftReceive Android notifications on your mac. (w/PushBullet)
siddii/angular-timer ★ 790
HTMLre-usable/inter-operable AngularJS timer directive
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Stavros Korokithakis
Siddique Hameed
yoavaviram/python-amazon-simple-product-api ★ 738
PythonA simple Python wrapper for the Product Advertising API
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Yoav Aviram
wealthbot-io/wealthbot ★ 676
PHPUse to easily setup your own wealth management platform
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Stavros Korokithakis
Tigran Azatyan
squirrellyjs/squirrelly ★ 651
TypeScriptSemi-embedded JS template engine that supports helpers, filters, partials, and template inheritance. 4KB minzipped, written in TypeScript
etewiah/property_web_builder ★ 552
RubyCreate a fully featured real estate website on Rails in minutes!
reclosedev/pyautocad ★ 527
PythonAutoCAD Automation for Python
sverrirs/jekyll-paginate-v2 ★ 526
RubyPagination Generator for Jekyll 3 (enhanced replacement for the old built-in jekyll-paginate gem)
buunguyen/mongoose-deep-populate ★ 468
JavaScriptMongoose plugin to enable deep population of nested models
wendlers/mpfshell ★ 407
PythonA simple shell based file explorer for ESP8266 Micropython based devices
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Stavros Korokithakis
rr/rr ★ 324
RubyRR is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax.
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Wei Tang
buunguyen/fasterflect ★ 289
C#.NET Reflection Made Fast and Simple
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Néstor Daniel Altamirano
posativ/acrylamid ★ 278
Python(unmaintained) static blog generator in python with incremental rendering
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Stavros Korokithakis
Farley Reynolds
Martin Zimmermann
nhorvath/Pyrebase4 ★ 273
PythonA simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.
skorokithakis/goatfish ★ 235
PythonA small, schemaless Python ORM that is backed by SQLite.
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Stavros Korokithakis
LightTable/fetch ★ 207
ClojureA ClojureScript library for Client/Server interaction
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
davidar/jasmin ★ 187
JavaJasmin is an assembler for the Java Virtual Machine
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Ross Bamford
David A Roberts
cookiejar/cookietemple ★ 158
PythonA collection of best practice cookiecutter templates for all domains and languages with extensive Github support
skorokithakis/gr8w8upd8m8 ★ 151
PythonGr8W8Upd8M8 is a script to automatically read your weight from a Wii Balance Board.
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Stavros Korokithakis
glensc/nagios-plugin-check_raid ★ 144
PerlNagios/Icinga/Sensu plugin to check current server's RAID status
satoshinm/pill_serial ★ 138
CTriple USB-to-serial adapter firmware for flashing onto an STM32F103C8T6 "blue pill" minimum development board
skorokithakis/imdbapi ★ 132
PythonAn API for the IMDB site.
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Stavros Korokithakis
skorokithakis/A6lib ★ 128
C++An ESP8266/Arduino library for communicating with the A6 GSM module.
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Stavros Korokithakis
buunguyen/combres ★ 123
C#ASP.NET and MVC performance optimization library
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Néstor Daniel Altamirano
multi-geth/multi-geth ★ 120
GoA distribution of go-ethereum supporting multiple blockchains.
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Wei Tang
gaqzi/django-emoji ★ 109
PythonA simple django app to use emojis on your website
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Stavros Korokithakis
Swoorup/dgraph-rs ★ 98
RustA dgraph client driver written in rust
Cosium/dry-dry ★ 93
TypeScriptNpm with package.json inheritance
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Réda Housni Alaoui
skorokithakis/omnisync ★ 89
Pythonomnisync is a universal file synchroniser and backup program (think rsync) that supports multiple transport systems (such as plain files, sftp, s3 and virtual, currently, and support for ftp, http, et al is planned). It is designed to be fast, small, extensible, portable and bandwidth-efficient. It is available for Linux, Windows and Mac.
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Stavros Korokithakis
skorokithakis/django-cloudflare-push ★ 74
PythonA piece of middleware that uses Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Push to push static media to the clients.
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Stavros Korokithakis
satoshinm/pill_duck ★ 66
CScriptable USB HID device for STM32F103 blue pill (inspired by USB Rubber Ducky)
satoshinm/NetCraft ★ 57
CWeb-based fork of fogleman/Craft
jleclanche/python-iso18245 ★ 56
PythonPython implementation of the ISO 18245 Merchant Category Codes database
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Jerome Leclanche
buunguyen/esql ★ 50
JavaScriptHumane query language for Elasticsearch
davidar/c-hashtable ★ 45
CGit mirror of the hash table data structure in C by Christopher Clark
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David A Roberts
LightTable/Emmet ★ 36
JavaScript plugin for Light Table
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
satoshinm/pill_6502 ★ 36
Assemblyemulated 8-bit 6502 CPU and 6850 ACIA for STM32F103 blue pill
LightTable/Paredit ★ 35
ClojureLight Table plugin for paredit
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
buunguyen/memento ★ 34
C#Lightweight and extensible undo framework for .NET
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Néstor Daniel Altamirano
tellform/angular-tellform ★ 31
JavaScriptAngularJS Form Builder Directive (similar to TypeForm)
librewsdl4j/libre-wsdl4j ★ 30
JavaA maintained fork of WSDL4J.
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Andreas Rosdal
davidar/sdbm ★ 26
CGit mirror of sdbm source code
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David A Roberts
buunguyen/mongoose-migrate ★ 26
JavaScriptMigration framework for MongoDB
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Manuel Riel
skorokithakis/imgur-uploader ★ 25
PythonA simple command line client for uploading files to Imgur
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Stavros Korokithakis
Bearsampp/Bearsampp ★ 21
PHPEnhanced Portable WAMP software stack
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buunguyen/exif-orient ★ 21
JavaScriptLibrary to orient images based on their Exif orientation
tellform/docker_files ★ 20
Python -
mayank1513/tag-input ★ 19
VueA versatile tag input component built with Vue 3 Composition API
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LightTable/node-webkit ★ 19
C++Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
LightTable/ ★ 19
RubyLight Table's official documentation
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
satoshinm/WebSandboxMC ★ 19
JavaBukkit plugin providing a web-based interface with an interactive WebGL 3D preview or glimpse of your server 🕷⏳📦
skorokithakis/docker-fgallery ★ 18
ShellA Dockerfile for installing fgallery.
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Stavros Korokithakis
buunguyen/notify ★ 13
C#Change tracking library for .NET
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Néstor Daniel Altamirano
chuanjin/docker-mosquitto-postgres ★ 13
TSQLMosquitto MQTT Broker on Docker with Postgres as backend
bikeshedder/django-composite-field ★ 12
PythonThis is an implementation of a CompositeField for Django. Composite fields can be used to group fields together and reuse their definitions.
nixjdm/lektor-netlify ★ 12
PythonPublish to Netlify your site built with the Lektor static site generator.
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Toni Sissala
Joseph Nix
buunguyen/jundo ★ 12
JavaScriptJavaScript Undo Library
codeshelter/codeshelter-web ★ 11
PythonThe main Code Shelter website, at
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Code Shelter
PinwheelSystem/Pinwheel ★ 10
Go🍭 An awesome little fantasy computer designed to be simple.
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minim-one/minim ★ 8
chuanjin/mqttc ★ 8
HTMLA MQTT online client using websocket, vue.js and Bulma
buunguyen/jcr ★ 7
HTMLjQuery Carousel
chuanjin/handy ★ 6
VueOnline Handy Tools
arisAlexis/microchatter ★ 6
JavaScriptA persistent and real-time chat backend that integrates with your existing website
jleclanche/winfiletime ★ 6
PythonWindows filetime <-> Python datetime conversion
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Jerome Leclanche
LightTable/townhall ★ 6
A place to raise issues, discuss new features, create road map and enhance LT.
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Scott Bauer
Pratik Karki
buunguyen/cordova-photo-library ★ 5
Objective-CCordova plugin to save images and videos to photo library
PinwheelSystem/PaletteNom ★ 4
Go🧵 Load a color palette from an image.
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tellform/landing_page ★ 4
HTMLLanding Page for TellForm
nixjdm/lektor-surge ★ 4
PythonPublish your Lektor site to Surge.
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Toni Sissala
Joseph Nix
sirodoht/atom-pastery ★ 3
CoffeeScriptAn Atom package for the sweetest pastebin,
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Stavros Korokithakis
Theodore Keloglou
eventum/cli ★ 3
PHPEventum CLI Application
tellform/node-email-verification ★ 3
JavaScript✔️ Send user verification emails with NodeJS and MongoDB
buunguyen/evtify ★ 2
JavaScriptEvent emitter for Node & browser
tellform/wildcard-subdomains ★ 2
JavaScriptHandle dynamic subdomains in Node.js and Express
mayank1513/app-installer ★ 2
Kotlin- +
nixjdm/lektor-asciidoc ★ 2
PythonAdd AsciiDoc support to Lektor.
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Toni Sissala
Joseph Nix
OoI3enZaoo/parking-lot ★ 2
TypeScriptParking lot API
tellform/blog ★ 2
HTMLJekyll-based Tellform Blog
stavros/lighten-the-web ★ 2
CSSAn informational website for a speedy web.
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Code Shelter
eduramiba/moodle-theme-uikit ★ 2
CSSUIKit theme for Moodle
adityapandeyz/enterprise_one ★ 1
RubyOpen-Source ERP Solution
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Aditya Pandey
Moonlightsorrow/ygopro ★ 1
C++A script engine for "yu-gi-oh!" and sample gui
nixjdm/lektor-brunch-support ★ 1
PythonA Lektor plugin that enables support for running a Brunch watcher.
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Joseph Nix
tellform/ui-select ★ 1
JavaScriptAngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize
Bearsampp/aetraymenu ★ 1
PascalAestan Tray Menu
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codeshelter/note-to-maintainers ★ 0
A note to tell Code Shelter maintainers what sort of help you'd like with your repo.
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Code Shelter
tellform/textAngular ★ 0
JavaScriptA radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor for Angular.js! Create multiple editor instances, two-way-bind HTML content, watch editors for changes and more!
mvoisard/gemofstem ★ 0
JavaScriptA website dedicated to teaching a STEM education.
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Max Voisard
mrmakeit/OCJS ★ 0
JavaOpenComputers Javascript Arch
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Blixa Morgan
Bearsampp/module-gitlist ★ 0
PHPGitlist module for the Bearsampp Project
LightTable/LightTable-Forever ★ 0
JavaScriptClone of original LightTable but, using newer design and toolings
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Pratik Karki
Moonlightsorrow/ygopro-core ★ 0
C++ygopro script engine.
Bearsampp/module-consolez ★ 0
BatchfileShell module for the Bearsampp project
LightTable/crate ★ 0
ClojureA fork of the crate package (with modern changes) which provides the ClojureScript implementation of Hiccup
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Pratik Karki
tyteen4a03/OAuth ★ 0
PHPPSR2 compliant OAuth 1.0 library based on Andy Smith's OAuth library here:
tellform/angular-input-stars ★ 0
HTMLCreate rating inputs easily
jariz/Noti-appcast ★ 0
Noti's AppCast files (used by it's updater)
tellform/i18n-lint ★ 0
JavaScript`i18n-lint` is a tool for detecting possible hardcoded strings in HTML and HTML-based template source files. It can be used a CLI utility, a library or a Grunt plugin.